We don't.
It's an area of much discussion in the TRPG industry, given that art is one of the biggest development expenses especially for small creators. Don't get me wrong, I'll use it to generate a quick blog header graphic, or organise my notes into a list. But using it to generate the illustrations for one of our books, it isn't really a choice. One of the joys of producing games is getting to see our scribbled words turned into artfully laid out text illustrated by wonderful pictures. Working with those artists, the back and forth of corrections and discussions helps us visualise and shape our worlds. I consider it a core part of the creative process for building a TRPG world, and one reason we crowdfund our projects is to be able to hire those talented people.
In that spirit I thought I would share links to a few of those people we’ve worked with over the years
Erik Koorsguard - Key illustrator for Henchmen
Jeshields - produces both stock art and commission, did the line art for a large portion of BrainjackedÂ
Dolan Pondsmith - character artist - we’ve only done private commissions but they deserve a shout out here
Beebros Team - Vietnamese studio - did the cover for Scion- The Kalevala